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INSTRUCTOR  : Weidi Zhang

TA : Stejara Dinulescu




Course Overview

This 4-unit course uses a project-based approach, the basic components of web development and computer programming are explored in different markup and programming languages such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Processing. It addresses computer code as a creative tool for generative art. The course is oriented around topics of generative design, interactive motion graphics, web-based design, audio visual design, and data visualization. The course uses project based learning to create a general understanding of computer programming, its use and cultural implications, as well as provide a foundation for utilizing programming in a wide range of projects, from traditional to new media.



Throughout the quarter, we will work towards mastering the following:
* The basic programming concepts and technical aspects of computational tools for creative output.
* A basic understanding of HTML and web content upload.
* The basic aspects of generative design



Attendance at all lectures and sections is required unless you provide documentation of an illness or emergency and notify your TA of your absence/lateness ahead of time. Proper notification will prevent a negative impact on your attendance. However, it does not exempt you to complete any work assigned during your absence, (talk to your classmates and TA). If you miss class it is your responsibility to catch up on the work. Two lateness will be counted as one absense. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our course moves to an online format.
Tuesday Session -  [ Lecture, Project Critique, Weekly Project Due ]
Thursday Session - [ Lecture, in-class challenge ]
*[REQUIRED] During the zoom meeting: Please make sure to turn on the video to show the participation.



This course might include artwork and ideas that may be controversial. Our lectures and sections are designed to be places for discourse, not avoidance. Please review the art department’s policy on intellectual challenge which discusses the importance of “thinking critically before reacting impulsively.” Maturity and professionalism from all students is expected.
[Source: Escalante Art 22 syllabus 2018 -2019]



A 94% / B 84% / C 74% / D 60% (P) / F < 60%
Attendance & Participation & in class assignments [  15% ]
Eight Weekly Project [ 7% * 8 = 56% ]
Extra Credit [ 4% ]
Final Project [ 25% ]

Participation grades will consider your participation in class, your contribution during our weekly critique and group discussion, also account for lateness and attendance.

Project grades critiria
A+ : We will select the best 3 projects to get an A+. If you get an A+, congratualations! It means your projects not only fullfill the requirements, but also design carefully by developing a creative concept, nice design details, clean and detailed documentation.
A : means your projects has good concept and design by creatively using computer programming as a tool.
B +: means your project fulfill the requirements, but you need more efforts to develop and demonstrate your project as a art piece.
B and below B It means your project did not follow the prompt or your code does not execute properly. If you get this grade, you need to talk with your TA about the details.
Based on the UCSB Grading System: - alog/Current/AcademicPoliciesProcedures/GradingSystem.aspx


Academic Integrity

“Academic dishonesty is an assault upon the basic integrity and meaning of a University. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities are serious acts which erode the University’s educational and research roles and cheapen the learning experience as well as the value of one’s degree.” Source: All code from other sources should be properly credited. When using other people’s code: include the source, author, and which functions from that code are you using or your own code builds upon. Some assignments prohibit the use of external code, some others will allow it moderately, this will be communicated when assigning coding exercises. When in doubt, ask. FINAL PROJECTS AND ASSIGNMENTS USING A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF “BORROWED” CODE WITH MINOR MODIFICATIONS WILL NOT GET ANY CREDIT.

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