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New Media Artist
Designer / Researcher
Instagram: @w.e.i.d.i
Weidi Zhang




(b / 1991. Dec ) Weidi Zhang is a new media artist/designer based in Los Angeles and Phoenix. She is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of immersive experience design at the Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) center of Arizona State University. Her interdisciplinary art and design research investigates A Speculative Assemblage at the intersection of immersive media design, experimental data visualization, and interactive AI art.


Her works are featured in international awards, such as the Best In Show Award in SIGGRAPH (2021,2022), Red Dot Design Award (2022), Honorary Mention in Prix Ars Electronica (2022), A' Design Award (2024), Juried Selection in Japan Media Arts Festival(2020), Lumen Prize shortlists (2020, 2021), and others. Her interactive art installations have been exhibited at international new media art venues such as ISEA, Times Art Museum (CN), Society For Arts and Technology (CA), Siggraph/SiggraphAsia, SwissNex Gallery (USA), CVPR, IEEE VISAP, V2_Lab (NL), CCCB (spain) and among others. Her immersive A/V work has been performed worldwide, such as Mutek MX, Zeiss-Planetarium (GE), Planetarium 1 (RUS), C-LAB Taiwan, Mira Fest (Spain), and others. Currently, she is a collaborative artist with Harvard University FAS CAMLab on designing immersive experience of Shadow Cave. As a visual designer, She worked in the award-winning visual design studios in LA, and she was selected for Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) educational initiative for entertainment design in 2015.

She holds her Ph.D. degree in Media Arts and Technology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, an MFA degree in Art + Technology at the California Institute of the Arts, and a BFA degree in Photo/Media at the University of Washington, Seattle. She lectured at both UC Santa Barbara and The Ohio State University. 

张味迪,新媒体艺术家、 视觉设计师,现居菲尼克斯和洛杉矶。 美国亚利桑那州立大学设计学院助理教授 (终身轨道)、博士生导师。任教于沉浸式媒体与体验研究中心。她在新媒体艺术领域的研究与实践主要围绕实验数据可视化、互动人工智能系统设计、沉浸式环境设计、思辨设计领域来探索人机现实里基于图像数据的互动可视化。


她的作品荣获多个国际新媒体艺术与设计奖项。包括: 于2021年、2022年连续两次荣获SIGGRAPH 艺术馆 "最佳作品奖“、德国红点设计奖、奥地利国际电子艺术奖“荣誉奖”、意大利A设计奖、日本新媒体艺术节评委会选择奖、两次入围英国流明数码艺术奖并获得荣誉提名等。她的作品参展于多个国际新媒体艺术节、学术会议和艺术馆,包括ISEA 国际电子艺术研讨会、V2_Lab 动态媒体实验室 (荷兰)、巴塞罗那当代文化中心 (西班牙)、SIGGRAPH 艺术展、 IEEE VIS艺术展、北京时代美术馆、旧金山 SwissNex画廊、等。她的沉浸式视听作品展映于多个国际穹顶电影节和天文馆,如 Mutek 电子音乐节、Mira 电子艺术节(西班牙)、Metaxis 新媒体艺术节天文馆 1 号(俄罗斯)、柏林蔡司天文馆(德国)、艺术科技协会 (加拿大)、墨尔本天文馆/维多利亚博物馆、等。同时,她在国际顶级计算机图像和信息可视化会议和刊物中担任评审,其中包括 Siggraph, IEEE, Info+, Leonardo Journal 等。


她曾任教于加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校艺术系和俄亥俄州立大学设计学院-艺术与设计高级计算中心。她毕业于华盛顿大学西雅图分校影像传媒专业获学士学位,于2016年在加州艺术学院获得艺术与科技硕士学位, 于2022年在加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校媒体艺术与科技系获得博士学位。目前,她是哈佛大学中国艺术实验室的合作艺术家,进行沉浸式体验的研发。她曾在洛杉矶的获奖设计工作室担任视觉设计师并于2015年入选华特迪士尼幻想工程蓝天项目担任概念设计师。



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