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New Media Artist
Designer / Researcher
Instagram: @w.e.i.d.i
Weidi Zhang




Weidi Zhang (b. 1991, Dec) is a new media artist and designer based in Los Angeles and Phoenix. She is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Immersive Experience Design at the Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) Center at Arizona State University. Her interdisciplinary research explores A Speculative Assemblage at the intersection of immersive media design, experimental data visualization, and interactive AI art.

Her work has been recognized with prestigious international awards, including the Best in Show Award at ACM SIGGRAPH (2021, 2022), the Red Dot Design Award (2022), an Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica (2022), the A' Design Award (2024), and Juried Selections at the Japan Media Arts Festival (2020) and the Lumen Prize Shortlist (2020, 2021), among others. Weidi's interactive art installations have been exhibited at prominent international venues such as ISEA, Times Art Museum (China), Society for Arts and Technology (Canada), ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGGRAPH Asia, SwissNex Gallery (USA), CVPR, IEEE VISAP, V2_Lab (Netherlands), CCCB (Spain), and more. Her immersive audio-visual works have been performed worldwide at events like MUTEK MX, Zeiss-Planetarium (Germany), Planetarium 1 (Russia), C-LAB Taiwan, and Mira Fest (Spain), among others.

Currently, Weidi is also a collaborative artist with Harvard University’s FAS CAMLab, working on the immersive experience Shadow Cave, and is in an artist residency with the Society for Arts and Technology Satosphere in Montreal (Canada). As a visual designer, she has worked with award-winning design studios in Los Angeles and was selected for the Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) educational initiative for entertainment design in 2015.

She holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, an MFA in Art + Technology from the California Institute of the Arts, and a BFA in Photo/Media from the University of Washington, Seattle. Weidi has also lectured at UC Santa Barbara and The Ohio State University.


她的作品获得了多项国际新媒体艺术和设计奖项的认可,包括:连续两年(2021、2022年)荣获ACM SIGGRAPH艺术展“最佳作品奖”、德国红点设计奖、奥地利电子艺术节荣誉奖、意大利A设计奖、日本新媒体艺术节评委会选择奖,以及两次入围英国流明数码艺术奖并获荣誉提名等。她的互动艺术装置作品曾展出于多个国际新媒体艺术节和知名展览场馆,如ISEA国际电子艺术研讨会、荷兰V2_Lab动态媒体实验室、西班牙巴塞罗那当代文化中心、ACM SIGGRAPH艺术展、IEEE VIS艺术展、北京时代美术馆、旧金山SwissNex画廊等。她的沉浸式视听作品也曾在全球多个穹顶电影节和天文馆中展映,包括Mutek电子音乐节、西班牙Mira电子艺术节、俄罗斯天文馆1号、德国柏林蔡司天文馆、加拿大艺术科技协会、墨尔本天文馆/维多利亚博物馆等。此外,她还担任国际顶级计算机图像和信息可视化会议和刊物的评审委员,如ACM SIGGRAPH、ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA、ISEA、IEEE、Info+、Leonardo Journal等。




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