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Exhibition Visual Identity

Motion Graphics

Website Design

Please visit this website I designed and programmed

From 2008 on, the students of MAT have been presenting their research projects in showcases, exhibitions, performances, concerts and lectures at the s.c. End of the Year Show. This was a major event on the Santa Barbara and UCSB calendars, attracting hundreds of visitors. The pandemic changed that and in the Spring of 2020 the students presented a fully online exhibition and showcase and in 2021 we have decided to change the format, so it would fit the current post-pandemic world. What ensued was the establishment of a series of showcases, exhibitions, and performances under the heading SYMADES (Start of the Year Media Arts Design Engineering and Science). SYMADES will be events and situations that will happen every month from now on, both at UCSB as well as at the Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science and Technology SBCAST and in other venues.  

Visual Design Keywords: Machine, Tactile, Information aesthetic, Generative, Networked

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